Do You see The Ghost?

Do You see The Ghost?
Any Opinions about these pics? 
Took many pics in a row because our dog wouldn’t stop freaking out… here’s what I caught. Any Opinions about these pics? please…..
The Proof After Death On The Picture
Just try to compare between those two images.

Answers (20)

    • Clinton Crisp

      I saw a shadow spirit!!! I used to see a shadow spirit at the apartment we lived in. Did not hurt us, Just came through every now and then.

      • Lisa Woolard

        Dogs looking right at it too. And you said he was going crazy so.
        Time to do a house cleanse! Pray over some olive oil, anoint doors and windows! Read the Word of Jesus out of the Bible! Open your front door and tell the spirit to leave your house! Say out loud spirit you must leave in Jesus Name! This is my home, you have no rights to be here! Now get out!!

        • Shaneka Poe

          I never seen a ghost figure nor seen a bad spirit at night.

          • Christy Ramon

            I see ghosts everywhere sometimes when I'm in the mood to see them, but I don't pay attention and move on.

            • Letha Cherry

              Whatever it is, it causes no harm, possibly someone just looking in on you, or just passing through, the very fact the dog sees, it's probably family.

              • Luis Alonso

                The cat is looking too!
                Yes, When I see or know something is passing through I let it know it is not welcome if it means us any harm. Other than that, thanks for stopping by!

                • Abdul Alnajar

                  2 of my dogs will fixate on a corner towards the ceiling of either my bedroom or the living room. The other dog who is old with poor eyesight and hearing doesn't seem affected. I am positive they are seeing the man who died in this house before we bought it. I have felt this man also. I have told my neighbors and they say what a kind man he was. I occasionally talk to him now. He is friendly and I know his wife. I've never told her. I'm thinking if the cat isn't bothered it may be used to it and feel comfortable where the dog may not. I would definitely do some research on the history of your house. You may be surprised at what you find! Great pictures by the way.

                  • Warner Little

                    Our living rooms look a lot alike. The same Archway is where I’ve seen a cat walk by and it wasn’t my cat. Even my dog saw it and barked. There’s been multiple instances where something is there. Just thought I’d share.

                    Living Rooms Look Alike
                    I like to share this photo of the inside of my home with you.

                    • Keyonce Lanae

                      My Aunt had a phantom cat in her house. She didn’t realize it was a ghost until she thought she had locked it in her bedroom, went in and it wasn’t.. I love hearing these stories, thy are very amusing!

                      • Jake Frost

                        Dogs barking at the cat -- if the cats not bothered i don’t know ??? the shape of the coats hanging on the left seem to be the same shape of the ‘shadow ´ ... too many variables here in that picture.

                      • Well, that mirror you e got hanging on the wall there, is the same mirror that my grandmother had I her hallway an is the same Mirror that I first saw my great grandmother appear to me from spirit when I was 6 years old.....
                        I seen and I just felt a pang in heart.....


                      • Did you sense anything yourself? I mean, did you feel any cold or just a feeling of presence? I wouldn’t worry, but talk to the ’visitor’.
                        When we moved to another place, I sensed all kinds of presences. I started talking and said: You are welcome to post your opinions too.

                        • Leslie Parker

                          The cat would never stand still if it were something, I also noticed the cat doesn't seem bothered..? Is the dog barking at the cat?

                        • Beware of shadows. Always heard they weren’t good spirits.

                          • Ashley Stires

                            I see person's shadow or regular people, I have seen them all my life, and they have done nothing to me. As far of the ghost, no.. nothing.

                          • The family dog won’t stop barking but your cat is standing right next to it not acknowledging it. I simple ask myself, are the cats animals that don't care about ghosts?

                          • I would be worried if the cat was! But it’s not bothering her/him at all! So it must be OK! Looks like a child?

                          • I was about to say the same. Cats are extremely sensitive to these things and they are OK it’s most likely benign.

                            • Sherri Branson

                              That’s definitely what I was thinking! Cuz that cat would be in attack mode or climbing the wall! And both cats look calm! Especially the one that is so close! So definitely nothing to fear.

                            • Is she walking into a kitchen? Or what room? What do you think she’s looking for? It’s sad that she may not realize she passed. She might be an old tenant.

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