Tag: cool it down

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    • Carrie Genthner
      I have my own system at home! I always grate down bars of Dove soap, always on sale and boil on the stove with 1/2 cup water until it melts down, let cool and put in old wash bottles. Save a a lot of money to buy some more later when they run out.
      • Nick Williams

        You ordered buttered noodles at every fancy restaurant
        You shrieked when your T shirts contained tags
        You couldn’t stand the feeling of seams in your socks and would always turn them inside out
        You had no friends besides your parent’s friends...More

        • Jim Gutoski

          Sometimes I let my son watch videos while my phone is charging. Today at one point he unplugged it. Little did I know it had messed up and the end was impossible to touch. I assume he rolled over on the cord and while trying to get off and away...More