Tag: cousin

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    • Gwyneth Paltrow

      Thinking back of all the times I cut my cousins hair , and I’m talking full on hair cuts , pixie cuts , bowl , normal trim cuts and never got in trouble … they really just let me follow my dream of being a hair stylist like that. Also : never became...More

      • Saweetie

        When I was a kid my mother was driving and we were on interstate 65. There was a fight in the sky it got so bad stuff was falling on the road everyone pulled over because it got hard to drive with debree on the road , mom looked at some of it and...More

        • Sharon Christine

          To be honest I learn a a lot of my ways from my Grandma, if she did something for one of my Cousins kid’s she did something for all of them. She discussed it to me last Christmas when I was in New Jersey helping her wrap gifts. She said kids are...More