Tag: cute kittens

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    • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )

      Today I was planting seeds and my little cute neighbor Shyloah got a hand full of cat food to plant. Me: Sweetie, we don't plant cat food.
      Shyloah: but I HAVE to plant some.
      Me: why do you have to plant cat food?
      Shyloah: so I can grow some...More

      • Crysteal Jenkins

        I had a dream last night that a family of wolves left all their babies outside my door and I kept trying to give them back but they wouldn't take them and left. I panicked and picked up all the adorable pups (there were a lot) and somehow managed to...More



        • Gino
          United States of AmericaMy main description is to be a coordinator and organizer of information and data online, as far of web design and websites creation too.