Tag: good mother

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    • Jackson Rathbone
      This is gonna be a long one so I doubt anybody will actually read it, but if you do, props to you. I'm choosing to go anonymous for obvious reasons, I suppose maybe I need it off my chest or opinions. So, going back all the way to 2018 (Honestly I...
      • Billie Eilish

        This is my great grandmother's recipe for "stretching" a bar of soap. She kept a quart jar under the kitchen sink. Every tiny scrap of bar soap, too small to use, was put in the jar. When the quart jar was full of soap bits, she put them all in a...More

        • Sara S. Moulton

          I just want to take the time to say Happy Mothers Day to my mommy in heaven, as well as to all of the mommies! People always tell me how how kind hearted, beautiful, patient, smart, giving, and soft spoken I am but I believe these are all traits I...More