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Tag: melted

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    • Glenn Frey

      This morning my 4 year old granddaughter came over I haven't seen her in awhile. She walked in the door, immediately hugged me and said, "Gramps I have missed you so much." As she was literally bear hugging me. I softly replied, "I was getting ready...More

      • Billie Eilish

        This is my great grandmother's recipe for "stretching" a bar of soap. She kept a quart jar under the kitchen sink. Every tiny scrap of bar soap, too small to use, was put in the jar. When the quart jar was full of soap bits, she put them all in a...More


      • Anything Goes
        827 members
        People can talk almost about anything they want, except the stuff mentioned at the image. Post your questions, answer them and make nice comments that will benefit everybody.