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Tag: walks

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    • Gino
      Yes there are several ways of distraction for people like your wife! Hide the TV ad say that it was stolen. Invite her to walks and to join local communities within your town, make her feel special so she forgets about eating and sitting in front of...
      • Miranda Alexander

        Wishing I could go back and live with the Ingalls family. True they didn't have indoor toilets, but they seemed happy enough in spite. One of my favorite Little House episodes was Whisper Country on Season 4. Mary Ingalls is driven from her first...More

        • Loren Brovarnik

          All of my recent health issues won't stop me from going on walks and hikes if I'm able during the fall! I just have to slowly build up to it again. I keep hoping for colder weather. Nature is beautiful and this is the best season.