Tag: ziploc

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    • Patrick Mahomes

      Something I do to not waste sauces. Use what you need - spaghetti, pesto, BBQ, tahini, green salsa - and then freeze the rest in ice cube trays. When they are completely frozen, flip them out and put them into labeled ziplock bags and use as needed....More

      • Rosemarie Roa
        Yes. They will go where you are. If you are being bit every night, then you have quite a problem because they use you to fill up and don’t come back out for several days so the quantity does matter. You can really inspect your mattress and be sure...
        • Angela Gray
           I have some of those too and really like them. I have a wooden doweled drying rack so I typically wash my ziplocks for reuse. If I have meat or something gross it goes in a Pyrex or silicon one.