Angie Anderson's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Angie Anderson
      I show kindness where it isn’t deserved. I show up for people who don’t show up for me. I love with my whole heart and I internalize my feelings and deal with things in silence to keep peace (which is very hard to do). I bite my tongue every single time I hear that my name has been thrown in dirt. I am DONE. Mark my words - DONE. I’ve been the bigger person all my life and I’m done being disrespected. If you open your mouth in a negative light about me, just know I heard about it. I always hear about it. Catch this distance until you learn how to be a kind human. I am DONE watering myself down to please others. My feelings matter. MY KIDS MATTER and as much as it hurts, I’ve pushed even THEIR feelings to the side to keep peace. NOT ANYMORE.
        • Susan Stolley

          You have to do you regardless of what others are saying! They’re the ones who are not happy people. You’ll be a better person if you just move on. No one needs negativity! Boundaries are healthy, and people that truly love you will learn to accept them.

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        • Angie Anderson
          Things are going pretty well right now. My boyfriend and I are figuring out a lot of communication stuff recently. I’m making friends at my new job and people are actually seeking me out just to talk to me and make sure I’m okay and give me some extra love. And I just kind of want to cry? Like I know the trauma in my past wasn’t my fault and that I deserve good people in my life, but to have actually finally found some of them??? To feel like I can actually have good people in my life instead of constantly falling into situations where I’m belittled, hurt, bullied, abused, etc….? It almost feels like a trick that I shouldn’t get too comfortable with, but I also just feel really really grateful that these people are showing me that I didn’t deserve all those years of pain and maybe, maybe there’s something else to this life.
          • Angie Anderson
            If an egg is broken by outside force then life ends, but if broken by inside force, then life begins. Great things always begin from the inside. May The Fourth Be With You! #maythe4th
            • Angie Anderson
              One thing about them tables... they always turn!! Never look down on someone because your status has changed. Your life can change for the worst at any time! Always treat people with respect no matter what they may be going through! Circumstances can easily change for you at any given moment!! Karma has everyone’s address!

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