Axolotl Baby's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Axolotl Baby
      I have never been a “pay me back” “you owe me” “I did this for you so I need something in return” kind of person. If I GOT YOU, I GOT YOU. If more people adopted this mindset, this world would be a better place. I think keeping tabs is a little ridiculous.
      • Axolotl Baby
        Happy Father's Day to the love of my life, my friend, and partner in crime. The love you have for our little ones is more valuable than anything money can buy. We are so blessed to share a life with you. I know life is hard and it's easy to get caught up in the frustrations of the daily grind, I know I don't say it enough, but I am proud of you and grateful for the light you bring to our lives. Thank you for all that you do for our family.
        • Axolotl Baby
          So dealing with grief is weird. I'll be fine, and then the next minute I'm overwhelmed and not fine and then a couple hours later I'm okay again. Idk. I want to feel my feelings still in a healthy way. I am usually distracted because I've been busy. I hear that writing a letter to your loved one helps, I may try that soon. I have been trying hard to remain diligent and positive, but sometimes it's just hard to do.
            • Deborah Stansbury

              The thing that helped me the most when I lost my dad was keeping myself busy in various ways. Work, hobbies, self care, etc. Do things that keep your mind active and busy. Also, remember to be gentle with yourself and to make sure you're staying fed and hydrated. Ask for help if you need it, even for basic things like cleaning. Avoid self isolating. My friend also highly recommends a book called "It's Okay That You're Not Okay" by Megan Devine. Just need to take it day by day.

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              • Sarah Franks

                I haven't lost a parent, but my sister's death was very hard. And yes, it comes in waves, sometimes it's smooth, and then even now, over a decade later, I get hit by things so suddenly. This is grief. It never goes away, but you learn to live with it, like a chronic injury. Let yourself live, because that's what your mom would want you to do, but also let yourself have your feelings. Don't feel shame for them, don't apologize for it when you get misty eyes, and people understand it. They just do.

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              • Axolotl Baby
                I keep thinking it is getting easier to manage myself day by day, but then someone brings it up again or asks me how I am/things are and I just start crying after I talk to anyone. All the memories just flood back in again. My kid sister says there is no shame in letting my emotions out- but I really don't like to in front of people because I feel like it makes both myself and them uncomfortable.
                  • Natalie Broderick

                    When my dad passed away, I cried all the time when people would offer their condolences, and I couldn't stop thinking about him when I was alone. You need to let it out, they don't feel uncomfortable they are feeling your pain. It gets easier but it is still ridiculously fresh for you. Don't bottle it up and suffer in silence. It will take a while, but eventually the sorrow will be replaced with good memories of great times with him. In the meantime, just try to stay occupied with things that require thought and concentration to keep you from dwelling on it. There is no wrong or right way to deal with emotions. And sometimes you just gotta not worry about other people or their comfort as much as your own. It will eventually be better, I promise.

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                  • Axolotl Baby
                    I just wanted to say an extremely big thank you to all the friends and family who have reached out to us. The community of friend's of my fathers who have reached out to us too and provided comfort and support by sharing wonderful stories they had of Dad. I don't think I could ever accurately say in words how appreciative my family and I are to have people who love us and care so much. I don't really know when if this will ever get any easier. But I am so thankful everyday. Dad would be immensely overwhelmed with happiness to know how many people cared for him and his family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
                    • Axolotl Baby
                      Hello, I know everyone is probably wondering what we are doing about my Dad's service. As it is, the plan is to have a memorial to celebrate his life sometime early next year. We were thinking around his birthday in mid-February but can absolutely do it sooner. We do not have a date set yet. We are still figuring out his current transport from the funeral home. All of this has been pretty overwhelming for our immediate family and we are still trying to figure a lot of things out. We do not believe Dad would want a funeral service, and instead would want others to celebrate his life in happiness, love and joy. We are going to respect his wishes and once we have things set, we will encourage others invited to share stories and happy or important memories they have shared with him. Thanks to everyone again for all the support and kindness during this immensely difficult time. Also, it is absolutely okay for others to be sad and share thoughts, memories or feelings that may make them sad or cry. By no means are we trying to discourage any emotions of loved ones.
                      • Axolotl Baby
                        My Dad has passed on and he left peacefully, in no pain. This has been one of the single hardest things our family has ever had to go through thus far. He was kind and loving with everyone. He was/is an extremely amazing soul and the world was a better place with him in it. I will not be available for a bit as I will need time to grieve and have things put in order. Everyone's support on here has been so overwhelming and wonderful. I have never felt so much love.
                          • Lauren Troisi

                            I am so saddened to hear this, my heart goes out to you and your family. I understand all to well the pain of losing your father. I am here for you. If you need anything please let me know. I love you and I’m giving you big hugs through this difficult time.

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                            • Molly Golighty

                              I’m incredibly sorry for your loss. I remember first meeting your dad at Target and he was such a ray of sunshine. Even years later when I’d see him at at the grocery store or anywhere else, he’d always stop and ask what I had been up to. He spent most of the time in our conversations talking about you. It was abundantly clear that he loved you very much. Losing a parent at a young age is very difficult—I know because I lost both of mine in my 20’s. I know that nothing can undo the hurt but please take some sort of comfort in knowing that your dad worked hard in letting folks know how much he loved you. The world has one less ray of sunshine now that he's gone My condolences go out to you and your family. If you need anything, let me know.

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                            • Axolotl Baby
                              I just want my Dad back. I just want him to be okay again. I just wish I didn't spend so much time focusing on my career as of lately and spent more personal time with him..I am not giving up hope. I will stay there every day if I have to. I need my Daddy but more importantly, I know if anyone could get through this he can. I am going to remain strong for him. Because I know we have a strong and loving support system. It may not be today or even tomorrow, but I still believe he can come out of this. Dad is still here and he needs this time to heal.
                                • Marley Rose

                                  If anybody is strong and stubborn enough to come out of this, it's your dad! He definitely has a very strong will. Healing time is all he needs. Never give up hope, hugs!!

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                                  • Louisa Johnson

                                    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, his smile lit up a room so super bright and I will never forget him!! Sending all of my prayers and thoughts of love, peace, and comfort for you and the family. HUGS & LOVE, Louisa

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                                  • Axolotl Baby
                                    Dad is still in a coma, they said he showed some resistence to the night nurse with his muscle movement last night and no spasms, which is improvement. But he is still not coherent, and at this point we don't know what will happen. I am going to be with him all of tomorrow / night and just bring my computer there to catch up on some online work and stay with him. Thank you for all for your kindness.
                                    • Axolotl Baby
                                      My Daddy is in a comatose state in the ICU since last night and we stayed overnight in the ICU waiting room. He went possibly into a seizure and cardiac arrest. They got his blood pressure down but he's on oxygen and not conscious. Our immediate family has been alternating in and out visitation at this point to keep check on him and getting test updates. He has another scan of his brain function this afternoon but so far the tests are non-conclusive. Apologies in advance if I cannot update more. This has just been a lot to go through and process. All prayers/thoughts for my Dad would mean more than I could ever say.
                                      • Axolotl Baby
                                        *me minding my business but thinking too much* Who are you when nobody is looking? Are the things you do for you or for the validation of other people. What you do, what you say, what you wear, the places you go, your whole personality, what you post. Do you go certain places not because you like it but because it would be a good place to post pics? Are you loud and funny because that’s who you are or just for the entertainment of others. How are you when nobody is there to see it? The only thing I am at the moment is a person freaking out and shouting, "You’re almost thirty! How did we get here so fast?"
                                        • Axolotl Baby
                                          I look at old axolotl baby photos, then I start feeling sad. I'm so lame. I miss all my axolotl family from the past. Bax, George, Lulu, Louis, Emma, Destin, Herman, Midnight, Precious, Perfect, Tiger, Mojo, Berry.. There are probably more from when I was younger but I cannot even remember there names any longer! Sad.
                                          • Axolotl Baby
                                            As you all know, I am planning, conditional on how things go with my upcoming surgery, a ZOOM 100th Birthday party for the Queen of Television, Betty White. What do you all think of the crazy idea of me inviting the BIRTHDAY GIRL herself to attend? It just so happens that Betty and I are friends on Instagram, and she's even liked a couple of Miss Felicity's photos. Wouldn't it be a hoot if the lady herself were to pop in for a cocktail and to let us wish her a happy birthday? After all, she is Illinois' favorite daughter, and she does ZOOM. Since the pandemic, she has done many interviews via ZOOM. Now granted, this will be conditional on my being well enough to host. I still have no idea when my surgery will be or how long the recovery period will be. But do y'all think I should go for it and issue Betty an invitation? Is that a crazy ass notion? I know it probably in, but wouldn't it be FUN though?!
                                            • Axolotl Baby
                                              I noticed that certain people talk crap about Dogecoin only when it drops but say nothing when it goes back up. It’s weird. Please stop.
                                              • Axolotl Baby
                                                I’m watching the Derek Chauvin trial while the defense is in closing arguments and I’m not understanding how anything that happened prior to George Floyd being handcuffed and his neck knelt upon until he stopped breathing is revelant. Floyd was dead and Chauvin remained on his neck, so this was inmtentional murder from the start. Only in the U.S. do we watch weeks of court hearing of a murder that the public witnessed with their eyes! Even the EMT had to ask him to get off. I do not believe that anyone actually thinks that Chauvin didn’t kill him. This isn’t a murder trial, but a prolonged horror story reality show.

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