Ayla Reynolds's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Ayla Reynolds
      Some things aren't worth stressing over. if you can't fix it or find a way to do it...DON'T STRESS. lesson learned.
      • Ayla Reynolds
        Just an Fyi organic food has more bacteria on it than chemically produce foods, so it makes your body stronger and able to fight sickness better. I'm sick of people telling me I eat to much organic and I need some bacteria to be healthy, you make no sense, do your research before you talk. Pesticides, hormones and chemicals take nutrition away and make the food look perfect while adding a bunch of crap that causes cancer into your body. This is the governments way to cheat costs and make money not caring what it does to people.
        • Ayla Reynolds
          Some sketchy lady keeps calling me and saying she has found my missing Cat, Sovey. However, she wants gas money ahead of time and is claiming her only camera doesn't work. It sure does smell like a scam to me!

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