Christina Truitt's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Christina Truitt
      What has your past year been like....chaos, craziness, heartbreaking, extremely busy and just trying to breathe through it all and taking it, if I've been short or had an attitude or haven't posted, you will just have to forgive me, life has been...well, life. So, excuse me while I take a breather. 😄
      • Christina Truitt
        My good deed for today has been done. Took a friend to the ER at 3am after some rather unpleasant sounding symptoms and he had a lot of testing done so just now getting home! I knew he'd be in there a fair while but hadn't realized just how long it would be. Should've taken a blanket as I was far too cold to sleep, and far too tired to read my book. I did have some giggles, however, as nearly every guy who came out of the building sparked up a cig on their way to their car. Anyway, time for a nice nap! Happy Sunday Wishes my friends!
        • Christina Truitt
          I can’t stand a “I’m bored” dude. All of this stuff out here to do and all of this information waiting to be learned and you are a 32 year old grown man texting me you're bored. That is like the biggest turn off to me!
          • Christina Truitt
            Holy heck shut the front door my mind is officially blown! I was just randomly scrolling and saw a video about the joke “why did the chicken cross the road”. We all know the answer is “to get to the other side”. What I never understood was why it was "funny". The video said that the punchline means the chicken is going to die from getting run over from being on a road and will go to heaven (the other side)...I always assumed it just crossed to the other side of the road, not particularly funny. Hmmm
            • Christina Truitt
              I didn't feel like eating much today so threw together some garlic ginger noodle soup with white miso and green onions to round up the flavor. Darned delish and the amount of ginger and garlic involved will cure what ails ya.
              • Christina Truitt
                I only like bananas when they are still kinda green and not ripe cause they are just the right amount of sweet and bitter to me and I don't enjoy the mushy texture. Rice pudding is like the best thing ever. I also like tapioca pudding. Don't know why I'm posting all this random information no one cares about.. Judge me.
                • Christina Truitt
                  It blows my mind how of all the serious events happening in our society right now that so many want to argue about some darn relationship dynamics and who paying your bills. Like come tf on …Why do you care so much about who is paying bills in somebody else’s relationship? I really want to know…..?
                    • John Deere

                      Lol, right? I just can't do it nor do I get it. It's ridiculous. It is that, and also who's getting a plate first. Sheesh! This why people aren't getting anywhere. Online bickering about hypothetical stuff 24/7.

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                    • Christina Truitt
                      So glad I don't work at Walmart anymore. I don't do greeter. Walmart greeter is worse than any position I've ever worked at Kings Island!! The customers who go to Walmart are too whiny lol I'm too busy being legendary driving coasters and working cams in Boo Blasters to deal with that nonsense anymore!
                      • Christina Truitt
                        The life for me is not in the perfect circle, it's in the square shape, where we can walk slowly and can keep the balance well, and yes, sometimes we need to climb to get the top and sometimes we need to go do down to reach the ground. That's how I live and how I create my artworks, a bit daydream and a bit down to the Earth.
                        • Christina Truitt
                          My mom is ready to go home to heaven above, and with all her suffering, I do not blame her at all. But, it sure hurts a lot emotionally. The thing about it is, I have been getting this feeling lately that she would be leaving this Earth very soon, my heart is shattered right now. My only peace is of knowing that she will soon be pain-free and with Our Heavenly Father. I know many people who say they are athiest or agnostic. This is for you: For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities — His eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20
                          • Christina Truitt
                            I heard that in many countries south of US, people are celebrating Mother's Day Today. To honor their mother's forms can vary from country to country, in different forms throughout the world. We in United States will celebrate it on this year 2020, exactly the Date‎ ‎May 10, then the other years will be: May 9 2021, 2022 on ‎May 8. Some day I will be a mother too and i hope to receive gifts I like a lot.
                            • Christina Truitt
                              I hope the fear of this virus is gone soon. I can't wear masks because it doesn't allow me to breath, it is difficult.

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