Claire Ear's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Claire Ear
      I moved to Little Rock Arkansas. The money saved on school lunch, electric, faster internet, water, and taxes offset the higher cost of housing. I'm now ahead $400 a month, but I was always told that bigger cities are much more e😜ensive - HA!!
        • Kim Zolciak

          When I did the numbers on the back of a napkin, it was breakeven for me to move to New York City. As soon as I moved, I realized how pessimistic I’d been. My standard of living is much higher.

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        • Claire Ear
          It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - cannot believe it's -28 degrees though! My Christmas gift shopping is completed but still working on some online cards. I brought the brass monkey in off the patio so all is well. I'm past the M's on my Christmas cards And I continue to get some messages saying that my card could not be sent. I do not know if this is my service, which has been kind of spotty the past few days, or other peoples service. Therefore if we could work together I would appreciate it. If you have not received a card yet and would like one, please contact . And remember I'm going in alphabetical order so if your last name starts with something like S or T I'm not that far yet. So give me a little time or if you have not received a card and your name begins with the letter up until M, contact me and I'll shoot you a card. Thanks a bunch. Ho Ho Ho!
          • Claire Ear
            You have to know the difference between a support group vs a group of people that just trauma bond.
            • Claire Ear
              Ireydita God lod love your soul. I have tried to be the best Aunt I can be. But when you trash me, slander me, and continually put me down, making me person...Nope, I have had it. I can't do it anymore. I can't help you no more. Stop asking me for money, those days have ended. New year, new priorities.
              • Claire Ear
                Instead of arguing and bashing the other childs parent .. Why not try co parenting?? Help solve a problem instead of being part of the problem?? And try being there as a parent instead of high fiving the child for fighting teachers? Or even know the whole situation before speaking on it.. FYI my niece IS NOT and I repeat IS NOT in a mental institution...but you would know this if you actually was apart of her life... Like I said help solve and co-parent instead of trying to be Social Media parent and create more problems ... You dont think my niece sees this stuff??? She loves both her parents and nobody can tell me she doesn't! Now is the time to actually grow up and be real!!
                • Claire Ear
                  You know that little thingy inside of your head that keeps you from saying those things you should not say? Yeah, I don't have one of those!
                  • Claire Ear
                    There were a lot of tremendous ups and downs last year for our family. The best blessing of the year is a beautiful baby boy who arrived and has brightened our family's lives, my baby nephew Phillip. Life will always be a mix of ups and downs. I am so thankful that one block of time in my life like one year does not have to make sense God is working His plan and it will span eternity one day, and then last year will make more sense. Until then, I wait on our Lord Almighty, He is in control now and always.
                    • Claire Ear
                      So I guess I'm just going to manually write on paper everything I have just deleted from my phone's calendar for the whole year, and also am going to take every 2nd weekend off from technology and be more old-school because I break electronic devices with my over use, and if I say I will meet you and do not record it in my diary, then it will NOT happen. I will NOT remember.
                      • Claire Ear
                        The highest form of bliss is living with a certain degree of folly.
                        • Claire Ear
                          Sadly, the 1950s were the beginning of the real slide into de-evolution with the sudden rise in advanced technology that has the capability to be used to bring us ahead but has actually caused a lower grade of humanity. Scientists have proven that there are more people diagnosed with anxiety and depression and related disorders since the 50s! This decade was the last of the pure water, food, air, and of any intent for life, devotion to right and good, and purity of body, mind, and soul.
                          • Claire Ear
                            I will never take for granted the guy who has loved me through it all. Every day he comes home from work and tells me I am beautiful even though I feel like an ugly heifer.

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