Elizabeth Solis Hodson's wire posts

    • Elizabeth Solis Hodson

      For the last few weeks I have been listening to the song 'Know That You Are Loved' on repeat every night before I go to bed and sometimes in the morning when I wake up because it really is a mantra and I feel it is a very powerful one that will...More

      • Elizabeth Solis Hodson

        So, my laptop froze.. Trying to submit my midterm. I had to take it again, then it froze AGAIN. That's how my Tuesday is going. Not like I had any other homework or studying to do..ready for the weekend already!

        • Elizabeth Solis Hodson

          I can't find ways to make long term friendships because many times I'm burnt out, not available, unable to organize or plan, etc.
          So... Many times my mind and body ask me to isolate because I'm burnt out but I also need to have fun in friendly...More

          • Elizabeth Solis Hodson

            I swear I have ADHD or something because I will seriously be cleaning the kitchen, and then use the bathroom and start cleaning in there, then all of a sudden I’m sitting down doing something on my cricut and then the next thing I know, I’m doing...More