Kevin Rogerson's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Kevin Rogerson
      It is sad when your identity is stolen but you have to prove who you say you are! I have been jumping through hoops all day just to get this taken care of, so frustrating!!
      • Kevin Rogerson
        I woke up from my Sunday afternoon nap earlier feeling better. I hope it don't go down hill from here. I can breath better and the nausea is gone. Still a little tickle in my throat but nothing a cough drop can't handle. I think this is the beginning of the end of being sick yay!
        • Kevin Rogerson
          Dear woman in the supermarket, first of all, I don't like being stared at. It's rude and most of our mothers taught us not to do it when we are about age 5. I am wearing this mask for your benefit and mine. Secondly, in my opinion, if your cheaply maintained roots need doing, your jeans look like 25 pounds of mud poured in a five pound burlap sack, and your brassiere straps are showing in December, you sort of forfeit your rights to stare at other people. #benice
          • Kevin Rogerson
            Working in customer service is by far the hardest job ever. I actually have started giving waiters 50% tips now because i do know their pain!

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