Lance King's wire posts

    • Lance King

      Once you realize the power you have over your life everything changes. You are not a victim in any circumstance. It belongs to you. Once you stop giving your power away your life will make great shifts. You are the creator of your reality. I have...More

      • Lance King

        My mood is meh. The next week or two is entirely up in the air and I don't like that. And the week or two after that is up in the air, too. I don't know about you, but I like to know what I'm doing each day. Even if it means sitting at home and...More

        • Lance King

          I don't care if you sleep on the floor. I don't care if you and your family of 10 stay in a 1-bedroom apartment...I will always come and sitty sit on the floor and kick it like we are in a mansion. Do you want to know why? Because not all of us has...More