Lauren Arnold's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Lauren Arnold
      If you don’t know this already, check your furnace filters and replace them today. They are supposed to be replaced every 3 months. No one tells you this when you become an adult. Maybe it’s supposed to be common knowledge...I had thought it was once a year.
      • Lauren Arnold
        I was tickled cotton candy pink to run into one my all time favorite people while shopping today. Who were they? Welcome since I'd like to Jack with people, I'm going to make it a game. I have 925 BOL friends. If you can guess correctly, you win bragging rights and you win the Internet. Lol Now I will be helpful and give you a little hint. Have fun guessing!
        • Lauren Arnold
          Someone opened our Christmas card that I sent to my cousin. They left the envelope but kept the card. What the heck that’s creepy because someone we don’t know has a picture of children now!
          • Lauren Arnold
            I was just sitting at the table talking to my sisier about my whole e😜erience and that although it all wasn’t peaches and cream for me and it took a mental toll on me I really am still grateful for it all. It paid a great roll in my personal growth and understanding who I am and really mitigating this world we are in. I could be a person that really downplayed and trash talked the military but I’m not because that’s not how I feel. It helped me get to where I am now and I’m forever grateful!
            • Lauren Arnold
              I started doing a little trick. Every time I pay a bill or swipe my credit card, I say “there’s more where that came from!” Yeah yeah I know I may look crazy but it works. There’s infinite resources out there and we just need to tap into them. First start, change your mind chatter and raise your vibrations.
              • Lauren Arnold
                If you want something whether it's fame, fortune, a relationship with a particular individual. It doesn't matter what it is. If you want it just go for it and be persistent. If you want it bad enough, then you have the power to make it happen. And, it is okay to stop occasionally and reassess the situation or the direction your headed as long as you continue forward. Now it's time for me to find food and get motivated.

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