Lillian H Henderson's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Lillian H Henderson
      It doesn’t matter how strong, how independent, how amazing you are….moms need breaks so THEY don’t BREAK. If you are lucky enough, blessed enough, to even get just 5 minutes for yourself, please don’t ever take that for granted. I am so tired and I am so burnt out but somehow I find the strength and the will to keep going...without any help. Here’s to hoping tomorrow is a better day!
      • Lillian H Henderson
        If you like any sort of ethnic food, see if you can find a grocery that specializes in that. For instance, there is a Greek grocery store we go to. Greek olives cost about a fifth of what you pay in a regular grocery. Same for feta and other cheeses. For Greek, call your local Greek Orthodox church and ask them where there is one. Mexican groceries are great as well. Produce is very affordable!
          • John Deere

            Also, you have an Amish community near you - their herbs & other dry goods are price great. I use brown sugar not alot so if i keep it in their bag in a locked container- still fresh as i brought a few months ago.

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          • Lillian H Henderson
            People get too consumed over what someone thinks about xyz or somebody judging them over xyz. Me ... idc. Freedom is doing what you want to do without a care in the world about what the next person thinks about it. Who cares if people thinks it;s crazy, weird, stupid, unattractive, lame, whatever. If it makes you happy do it. The right people will stick by you the wrong people will go.
            • Lillian H Henderson
              I seriously do not understand people calling into work all the time. It is definitely not like it used to be where people came to work and we would have to send them home because they were sick. Now days people just call in just a call in and you tell them well you need to find your own replacement or be there and then they just don’t show up! I am so tired of people’s lack of commitment, and thinking they are owed something. If you’re hired at a job you get paid for that job that you do. When you work for a company they have policies and procedures in place, and yet people who think and that they get paid to do nothing! Well here’s your wake up call the only way you get paid is when you do your job!

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