Lynfa Alligood's wire posts

    • Lynfa Alligood

      The more times I see 'A Little Night Music", The more I begin to see what a dark story it really is. Although most people think of it as a comedy of sorts Because it begins with everybody being with the wrong partner you're, It turns into a very...More

      • Lynfa Alligood

        Why does anyone want kids? My boy was sitting on my lap as I was reading him a story and looked at me randomly and said " mommy your bumps are wiggly like water balloons" and gave them a painful wiggle. Love that silly little monster so much! xD

        • Lynfa Alligood

          Sometimes we tend to forget that we are human. There’s nobody on this earth that is perfect. Even some of the people that seem the most perfect to us in our eyes have to check themselves from time to time. Allow yourself to be human .