Neilyn Carruyo Soto's Statuses & Comments posts

    • Neilyn Carruyo Soto
      I have a really hard time trying to make friends. I feel so different compared to everyone else and like people think that I’m weird or something. I try really hard to blend in with others but I’m too social shy. I’m really wanting to make friends because I feel so lonely most times but I’m to socially awkward to talk to people so I feel like I’m stuck in a rut most of the time.
        • Nichol Kessinger ( Nicole Sophia Miller )

          People are overrated. You just need to find one or two you can tolerate. I’ve had lots of friends and my favorite people are my family. They get my jokes. That being said, most people share your feelings they’re just better at hiding it. I’m in sales and have to talk to people I don’t know all day. People like it when you’re interested in them so ask them questions - not yes/no questions. Ask them questions that will let them do most of the talking. That takes the pressure off of you. Make sure to listen and then you can ask them more questions. Then you’ll know quicker if they’re even someone you want to be friends with. A lot of friendships are one sided - you don’t want that. When you find someone you connect with - you’ll know. Some people are mean - just forget them, they’re miserable anyway. No one wants to be weird growing up — but as you age it’s not weird, it’s interesting. And interesting people are hard to find. If you ever do become popular with people, especially with losers, then you will wish you were a loner again.

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          • Destiny Nordstrom

            I think accepting yourself comes before accepting others. And people will will just end up being your friend. It's a paradox.

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          • Neilyn Carruyo Soto
            Being alone doesn't necessarily mean lonely. And, being different definitely doesn't mean defective. Social communication difficulties is not the same as being anti social. #autism
            • Neilyn Carruyo Soto
              If you have terrible relationships with women, you're the self-proclaimed negative nancy out of the bunch, and 'you only have good guy friends'. . . those are enough big red flags for me. You legit think its everyone else and not you. Peep them red flags in potential acquaintances and friends. Those matter too. Not just romantic partners. If I don't do nothing else, I'ma protect my peace of mind and my energy.

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