Statuses & Comments posts tagged with 'thetruth'

    • John Deere
      Awhile ago I wrote down in my journal the things that I vale most and the first thing i wrote down at the top of my list was "the truth". I value the truth even even it hurts and is hard to hear. And, even when it's extremely painful, even unbearable! TELL ME and keep it raw. I am actually grateful when it comes that way. I especially value truth when it comes to the world we live in. A lot of stuff being told these days are huge lies and mind games! BUT, there are people that do not want to know the truth and are okay with the game....that is not me though. #thetruth
      • Nancy Banes
        People's WORD still matters, nothing has changed as it is very important to always keep your word. We are only as good as our word. Which is why I do whatever it takes, to do what I say when I say I will. A person’s WORD is everything. At the end of the day, your Word is all any of us have. #thetruth

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