Statuses & Comments posts tagged with 'vegan'

    • Duane Weaver
      I really can't deal with alot of negativity that constantly spews out of alot of vegan's mouths. It's a constant hate and over flow of negative energy. I dont want to be associated with these kind of people. Ganging up on somebody that does not live the way you do accomplishes nothing. Calling them foul names accomplishes nothing. It's bullying and in no way shape or form do i condone bullying i dont care what the reason. To talk about compassion and peace and then allow hate and negativity to roll out of your mouth with out a second thought to it. These are the people that give veganism a bad name, that i dont want any association with. Im not going to drag anybody with a different life style than me through the mud i am going to lead an example and educate and not hate and pick apart others that do not live like me. I'm really close to removing the title of 'vegan' from me. I dont need a title to live in a cruelty free way. #vegan

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