
    • Carla Gifts
      I had been told by my Dr., "Go home and make memories with your family. With this diagnosis, you have approximately 3-5 years to live". Imagine, 25 years old and hearing that. I smiled, went home and told myself. I will not live in fear of what's to come. Life moved on. So many things changed in that time. At the end of 5 years, everyone started asking, "aren't you worried?" To which I always replied, NO. Here I am, 24 years later, still hearing the "aren't you worried" questions. To which I still reply, NO. You see, I could have decided to sit and have a pity party. I could have done so many things. However, I knew, when God was done with me, no matter if it had been 3 years or 50 years, nothing was gonna change the outcome. Sure, I could have lived in fear. However, all that would have done is steal my joy. Steal joy from my family. Steal memories that we've made since then from my family. The diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension changed my life...a lot!! I can't do everything I would love to do. People that were in my life before have left because they couldn't handle it. Some have came into my life and loved me no matter what. A lot can change in 3-5 years, just make sure you keep your faith and know that God has you through it all.
        • Christina Reiss

          What a beautiful and powerful testimony! Absolutely true. Keep living your life! Focus on what you can do. I'm beyond happy that he has chosen to keep you here!! You are such a blessing to so many!! I love you, my dear sweet friend!!

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