
    • Axolotl Baby
      My Dad has passed on and he left peacefully, in no pain. This has been one of the single hardest things our family has ever had to go through thus far. He was kind and loving with everyone. He was/is an extremely amazing soul and the world was a better place with him in it. I will not be available for a bit as I will need time to grieve and have things put in order. Everyone's support on here has been so overwhelming and wonderful. I have never felt so much love.
        • Lauren Troisi

          I am so saddened to hear this, my heart goes out to you and your family. I understand all to well the pain of losing your father. I am here for you. If you need anything please let me know. I love you and I’m giving you big hugs through this difficult time.

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          • Molly Golighty

            I’m incredibly sorry for your loss. I remember first meeting your dad at Target and he was such a ray of sunshine. Even years later when I’d see him at at the grocery store or anywhere else, he’d always stop and ask what I had been up to. He spent most of the time in our conversations talking about you. It was abundantly clear that he loved you very much. Losing a parent at a young age is very difficult—I know because I lost both of mine in my 20’s. I know that nothing can undo the hurt but please take some sort of comfort in knowing that your dad worked hard in letting folks know how much he loved you. The world has one less ray of sunshine now that he's gone My condolences go out to you and your family. If you need anything, let me know.

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