
    • Lynfa Alligood
      The more times I see 'A Little Night Music", The more I begin to see what a dark story it really is. Although most people think of it as a comedy of sorts Because it begins with everybody being with the wrong partner you're, It turns into a very ugly story with Frederick's wife Running off with his 18 year old son And Desiree, who had been the great love of Frederick's life, feeling angry and rejafter he rejects her in favor of his barely legal life. Most people think of sending the clowns as this beautiful soaring love ballad, And while it is beautiful, in the context of the show it is a very angry, hurt song, with Desiree singing it realizing that she has made a huge fool of herself throwing herself Frederick. When I 1st started watching it, like most people, sending the clowns was my favorite song, but the truth is, as I have grown emotionally and As an appreciator of different forms of music, my favorite songs in the show keep changing. Currently, my favorite is everyday a little death, Probably because it is the most truthful.Anyway, unless you've seen the show this little rant probably didn't make much sense. But if you ever go to see a little night music, remember the work of book writer Hugh Wheer, Because this story has more layers than a birthday cake. And the character of Fredricka Is beyond delicious. The point of "A Little Night Music" is that good timing is everything, but stepping one toe over the top can swing you all the way back around to bad timing, and bad timing will get your heart smashed.

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