
    • Sophie Blackall
      Wow. I saw an anti-gay/anti-single mom billboard at a local church that is a slap in the face to many. Who through no fault of their own ended up single mothers (boot the manchild, raising one kid is difficult enough). I guess, this church believes I should just round up the first idiot I see and get myself hitched. Yet, I deserve so much better than that. I wish I had the funds to put up a billboard deminstrating the power of an intelligent and strong single female led family. In a country where less than 48% of households are led by a traditional married couples, probably not their first marriages. Anyway, I find the whole thing hypocritical. I also think they need to think long and hard about love, true values, and messages worth sending. The amount of real good the money allocated to these billboards of hate could have done is appauling; with the amount of poverty in our local communities there is an unceasing need for charitable contribution and boundless opportunities for spiritual impact. Love and peace must start within each and every one of us. From within our hearts, our homes and then the world. There must be a paradigm shift where love takes priority over power, hate and greed.

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