
    • Gladys Knight
      My son, 15, had to write a paper for school. He had to pick his parent's generation and find out first hand from us what major or memorable events occurred and how we remember them. He did his paper on the Gen X generation. My ex husb is a great dad and a very smart guy but when my son asked him questions, he couldn't think of a single thing and he is Gen X too. Not 1. He told my son to ask me because I am a history buff. Yes I am but WTF does that have to do with it? We lived it! President Reagan was shot twice, the air raid drills, threat of a Cold War, Challenger Space Shuttle blew up on my birthday, HIV, the Berlin Wall came down, Desert Storm, etc...I came up with about 20 things and that was more than enough for his paper. Just off the top of my head. He looked at me and said dad couldn't even think of 1 thing lol. Bless his heart. I wonder if he tells our son to ask me just so he doesn't have to deal with it?? I had fun doing this with my son and he was fascinated. I'm grateful his dad couldn't help. 😜

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