
    • Alamy Cunnane
      I'm fed up but aren't we all in some way, haha. I'm fed up with my big house full of stuff I don't need and constantly buying more to fill it, taking care of a lawn and paying property taxes and living in a crappy town and just everything. I want to simplify, start over. Sell all the stuff and just move into a little apartment somewhere and do more travelling. People always tell me though, "you have a house! You have equity! Think of the future!" And my life is so boring. I feel like I can't do much of anything because I have so much debt hanging over my head. I get no help from anyone. I know I'm not perfect but I've been the absolute best parent , and my daughter is wonderful. I'm probably rambling a bit, but I think her and I would both be happier with a downgrade soon.

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