
    • Isla
      B0L wont allow me to respond to comments, I'm editing to add some info. I've been disabled since age 27, while pregnant with my daughter, and looking into assisted living now, as It's become increasingly difficult to live independently. My question to her [my daughter] was, if I were to move to an assisted living facility near her, would she visit, as she's living in another state 8 hours away. I lost my parents when I was 28 and 35, and was the sole carer for both of them as I wasn't working and my sister was. I wasn't asking her for anything other than visits. I'm not e😜ecting to live past another 20 years. I just got rid of a 'roommate' that moved in to provide help for me, and it ended up in a domestic violence situation, which she's [my daughter] well aware of. Which is why the 'get a roommate' was so hurtful. Yes, we have a strained relationship as my ex husband absconded with her to another state when she was 6, because i was disabled, and it took some time to get him to court. At this point in time, if I were to pass in my home, I don't think I'd be found until the smell became noticeable. And, to those that laughed. I know many are dealing with aging parents, but what if we're the aging parents? I'm trying to have a serious conversation with my daughter about my aging and my future needs, and she thinks I'm trying to manipulate her by asking these questions. She point blank told me she couldn't deal with it and suggested I get a roommate.

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