
    • Hannah Baker
      Me and my love had a great convo last night. I was reflecting on how blessed I have been lately and everything good has been happening to me. I have been getting everything I want. He brought up that people give so much attention to generational curses and hardly acknowledge generational blessings. He told me to notice that all of these things started happening for me after my mom passed away. He said the things my mom did in this world , the way she moved, the heart she had and the love she gave ….that energy transferred down to me. Like I can’t even begin to describe how blessed I’ve been. To the point when I start to talk about it I get emotional. Some things I didn’t even have to try hard it’s like things are handed to me. It’s like , this is what you wanted so you can have it. And it’s like when I sit here and look back on it and reflect I’m like “what the hell”. Like you ever been so blessed it actually scares you? I just stop and laugh to myself but the overflowing gratitude flows and flows.

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