
    • Axolotl Baby
      As you all know, I am planning, conditional on how things go with my upcoming surgery, a ZOOM 100th Birthday party for the Queen of Television, Betty White. What do you all think of the crazy idea of me inviting the BIRTHDAY GIRL herself to attend? It just so happens that Betty and I are friends on Instagram, and she's even liked a couple of Miss Felicity's photos. Wouldn't it be a hoot if the lady herself were to pop in for a cocktail and to let us wish her a happy birthday? After all, she is Illinois' favorite daughter, and she does ZOOM. Since the pandemic, she has done many interviews via ZOOM. Now granted, this will be conditional on my being well enough to host. I still have no idea when my surgery will be or how long the recovery period will be. But do y'all think I should go for it and issue Betty an invitation? Is that a crazy ass notion? I know it probably in, but wouldn't it be FUN though?!

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