
    • Evelio Velazco
      There's so much frustration when a Doctor decreases a med you've been on (and working fine) for 10+ years, simply because they don't like it and want you to try something different yet they still haven't added said new medication. The decrease has caused me to become symptomatic again, meaning, cest pain, migraine, shortness of breath, and EXTREME fatigue. No, none of these are fine at all so where's that better quality of life she was pushing for I havThere's so much frustration when a Doctor decreases a med you've been on (and working fine) for 10+ years, simply because they don't like it and want you to try something different yet they still haven't added said new medication. The decrease has caused me to become symptomatic again, meaning, cest pain, migraine, shortness of breath, and EXTREME fatigue. No, none of these are fine at all so where's that better quality of life she was pushing for I have no clue yet, but I do see her Thursday to get answers.e no clue yet, but I do see her Thursday to get answers.

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