Statuses & Comments post by Nera Benandanti

I was thinking today how the medical system failed me while growing up. I was born in 1978 with Asperger's Syndrome. I was not diagnosed until 2016. Even though there were doctors that knew about Asperger's and my parents took me to see a specialist, they never diagnosed me. Instead, my parents thought I just misbehaved on purpose. So instead of being treated for autism, I was abused and institutionalized. When I was twenty-four, I had a bad meltdown. Instead of the medical profession treating me for autism, I was thrown into a maximum security hospital. Throughout my life, I saw psychiatrists and none of them diagnosed me with autism. Everything from schizophrenia to bipolar, but never did they even mention the possibility of autism. If one of these doctors had done their job, I believe my life would have been much better. So even now, I don't trust doctors.
    • Krystal Kobe

      Very painful to read. I'm so sorry for your life's struggle. My brother suffered tremendously too. Same for him, everything but autism! I made it my mission to get him diagnosed as an adult, as I could see some similarities with our uncle, who is also on the spectrum. You are NOT alone. The struggle is real.

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      • Candace Rivers

        I am involved in support groups for special needs. One thing I remind them all the time is that we only know what we know now. Neuroscience is still in it's infancy. If they argue I remind them I listened to professionals years ago compared to now.

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        • Krystal C Kobe

          I understand why you feel that way. Unfortunately diagnosis and support was not available for older generations on anything approaching a national scale- misdiagnosis was common, especially in females. I'm so sorry you went through all that and the losses you feel you've had, that's something to grieve about, then somehow heal as best as possible and then get the best life out of what is left!

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