Statuses & Comments post by Axolotl Baby

I keep thinking it is getting easier to manage myself day by day, but then someone brings it up again or asks me how I am/things are and I just start crying after I talk to anyone. All the memories just flood back in again. My kid sister says there is no shame in letting my emotions out- but I really don't like to in front of people because I feel like it makes both myself and them uncomfortable.
    • Natalie Broderick

      When my dad passed away, I cried all the time when people would offer their condolences, and I couldn't stop thinking about him when I was alone. You need to let it out, they don't feel uncomfortable they are feeling your pain. It gets easier but it is still ridiculously fresh for you. Don't bottle it up and suffer in silence. It will take a while, but eventually the sorrow will be replaced with good memories of great times with him. In the meantime, just try to stay occupied with things that require thought and concentration to keep you from dwelling on it. There is no wrong or right way to deal with emotions. And sometimes you just gotta not worry about other people or their comfort as much as your own. It will eventually be better, I promise.

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