Wire post by Charlize Theron

I'm at such a loss. I'm heartbroken and destroyed. My little girl cat, Piglet passed away in my arms this morning. She was having problems yesterday so we went to the vets. All her bloodwork and tests were fine. The only things found were that she was dehydrated and had low blood sugar. We gave her Karo syrup to raise her blood sugar and an injection of fluids to help with the dehydration. I brought her home and she just didn't seem to improve. I kept giving her simple syrup and water and she would sleep for a while then wake up and we would do it again. This morning around 8 am she passed in my arms. I'm so lost. She is part of the reason I woke up every day. She loved giving me nose kisses and was so good at stealing food off of my plate. She was not just a cat she was my baby, my girl. She slept next to me every night and she just knew when I was having a bad day and would come curl up around my neck and give me kisses. I don't know what to do without her. I'm so damn lost. I miss her so much I can't quit crying. Rest easy my Piglet girl. Momma will see you again at that Rainbow Bridge, I love you forever.