Hello Everyone! BookOfLikes is only accepting new members thru support ticket and not by a registration box. Please let the administrator know that you are interested in becoming a new member and follow up steps on how to apply.    



Wire post by Albertina


    The Book Of Likes Gives You A Warm Welcome! Reunite with longtime not seen friends and relatives and create an interesting niche to amuse your days for years. Now your life will have a strong reason to continue saving your photos for free and have them available to share with those friends you really care. Choose from a private profile or a public profile, allow others online to search your information or make your home online just for you and those you care only. Meet new people and make them friends by sending them a friendship offer. BookOfLikes is one of the best sites online with tones of free stuff for users to use while they are spending time online. Read and report news, upload photos from your vacations trips, from your job, celebrations, make blogs with rich content and invite friends to read, post your everyday status feelings and participate on commenting others posts etc.