Wire post by Greta Thunberg

I know a lot of people complain a lot with all of the fights and social and political squabbling that go on on social media. But I have to tell you, right now I am counting my blessings, and I am so thankful for my friends and family I have known personally all my life, and friends I only know through social media. Right now I am feeling so much love and positive energy. Book Of Likes is like anything else, if you use it for the right reasons, and use it responsibly, it can be a wonderful thing. I have people from across the world lifting me up in prayer, sending me good vibes, and I have made new friends who have been through exactly what I'm going through right now. And I'm so grateful for that. This is a forum where we can share our laughter, our burdens, and our sorrows, and I have people I may never meet face to face walking this journey with me. Thank you for letting me share this with you. Happy 2020 everyone!