Statuses & Comments post by Meshia Johnson

Do any of you struggle with other drivers not following the traffic laws? It drives me crazy. I was traveling at the posted speed limit on an interstate highway yesterday (as I do frequently) in the right lane. As I approached an on ramp with cars getting ready to merge in, I moved over to the passing lane to make room for them to enter the highway. Several cars behind me starting passing me in the right lane, which made it more difficult for the incoming traffic to merge This happens almost daily. Nobody seems to follow the speed limit at all. Even traveling through town, the main Blvd is 2 lanes each direction, plus a center turning lane, people are constantly weaving back and forth through traffic because 40mph apparent just isn't fast enough. Why can't anyone follow the rules?
    • Xina Walker

      I live in the suburbs of NYC. There are no traffic laws, merely suggestions. And I can say, “The Jersey Slide” is in fact a real thing, and is incredibly common here. For those unaware, the “Jersey Slide” is when a driver is speeding in the left lane, and maintains that speed while crossing all lanes of traffic to their exit on the right. It’s so common in fact, you learn to anticipate it happening in front of you as you approach any exit.

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